Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve answered a few common questions & queries we get on a day-to-day basis. If you have a different question, contact MineFlex today!
Either in the Boom (high coal prices) or just after the bust (low coal prices). For more info we’ve made an informative video about this topic below.
While any skill is nice to have on your resume not all entry level jobs require you to spend money obtaining a HR license. For instance, the operation of a dump truck is quite different to the operation of a heavy rigid truck. In terms of movement, driving an automatic car is the same process as driving a haul truck. There are training companies that tell you it is a must however it all depends what roles you are considering.
Most camps provide you with a donga style accommodation which is a room with a bathroom, tv, small kitchenette and air conditioning. Food is provided from morning to night in a large kitchen area and they cater for many different dietary requirements. A good selection of foods are available from these kitchens for lunch and dinner depending on your shift.
There is generally a 24 hour gym which is free on most sites. There are also laundry facilities for you to use.
Alcohol can be purchased on most sites at your own cost.
MineFlex provides key information that supports the clients goals of obtaining employment in the mining industry. The course assists with every step of the journey. Imagine missing out on an interview because your resume wasn’t mine specific.
Very simple, we are by far the most inexpensive and effective vehicle for the person looking for an opportunity to work in the mines.
Hiring companies generally organise these in groups when intaking. Once again, save your dollars.
The courses are designed to give you a head start on that particular skill. While you are still operating a truck the course will give you valuable knowledge of your intended piece of equipment and you can start watching other operators at work while having an understanding of what they are trying to achieve. There is only so much you can learn without the information contained in these courses
Yep, plus another 150 pages of irrelevant information to your initial needs. The courses shorten the learning process so you can focus on proficiency straight up
Yes there are modules in the courses that explain the controls of that particular machine. Also, courses are continually updating so new information frequently becomes available